How Much Weight Should You Lift

I get asked all the time about how much weight to lift on a given exercise. We all want to feel like we’re doing enough in our workouts. While weight selection is completely individual to each person depending on lifting experience and body size and type, there are still basic guidelines that apply to all of us. While we do need to lift heavy enough loads to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle, what’s more important than the number on the weight is how hard our muscles are working.

Do You Need Cardio to Lose Weight

I get asked every week how much cardio is needed to lose weight, or if it’s needed at all. There’s so much conflicting information out there on how we first need to lose weight with cardio before strength training. When first starting out, cardio can be a great tool to burn calories and help lose weight. However, for many reasons listed in this article, long-term cardio is not the best method for fat loss.

Does Weight Training Make You Bulky

One of the things I hear the most from women is they know they should be doing weighted exercises, but they don’t want to get bulky. Training with weights to improve health and elicit a body transformation has become more popularized by the media, but the fear of getting “big” from lifting heavier weights still exists. I hear this so often that I feel obligated to address whether or not there is any truth to getting “bulky” from lifting.

Trader Joe’s Haul and Meal Prep Favorites

I meet with clients every week who tell me they struggle with meal prep and staying on track when life gets in the way. When we don’t have a meal plan for the week, we lack consistency and don't get the results we want. I always have foods like these on hand, so I can whip up a meal in ten minutes or less. I also go over my top 4 tips on how to read a food label.